KMUTT supports both internal and external scholarships for students in terms of study and research. The internal scholarships were such as


Promoting the students with distinguished academic capabilities
It aims to support students who have potential and capability. The scholarship will grant within the study period specified in the curriculum and under indicated conditions. However, for students to be granted the scholarship, they have to gain a GPAX. score of at least 2.75, 3.25 and 3.50 for bachelor’s degree,
master’s degree and doctoral degree, respectively, or attain ‘S’ for those who plan to conduct research

Promoting the students with special skills.
It aims to support students who have special skills such as athletes, performers, active in activities, award winners, etc. The students to be granted the scholarship have to gain a GPAX. score of at least 2.00 during study. In addition, they have to present their special skills achievement once a year.


Promoting the students with distinguished academic capabilities
It aims to support students who have potential and capability. The scholarship will grant within the study period specified in the curriculum and under indicated conditions. However, for students to be granted the scholarship, they have to gain a GPAX. score of at least 2.75, 3.25 and 3.50 for bachelor’s degree,
master’s degree and doctoral degree, respectively, or attain ‘S’ for those who plan to conduct research

Promoting the students with special skills.
It aims to support students who have special skills such as athletes, performers, active in activities, award winners, etc. The students to be granted the scholarship have to gain a GPAX. score of at least 2.00 during study. In addition, they have to present their special skills achievement once a year.